Pastor Steve Webb

Senior Pastor

Brother Steve was born and raised in Jefferson City, Mo, while he did not attend church as a child, he was convicted by God at age 29, during a sermon by Andy Stanley, of his need for Jesus Christ to be his personal Savior.  Steve submitted to preach and was licensed in 2006. He was Ordained in 2011.

Bro. Steve earned an Associate’s degree in Electronics, a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO. Then in 2014 he obtained a Master of Divinity degree from Mid-Western University in Kansas City, MO

In addition to serving as the Pastor of MSBC, Bro. Steve owns a small business doing Field Service work in the computer and networking industries. Brother Steve is also looking forward to a time when he can begin training again for completing a full Ironman Tri-Athlon.

Bro. Steve and his wife Deb have 6 married children, and 10 grandchildren. “Deb is the love of my life and I thank God for bringing her into my life. Deb is much more than my help meet, as she also assists in various aspects of our ministry.”
“Deb and I were called to Main Street Baptist Church in 2018. We are so excited about the church family and their love for people and the community. It’s wonderful to be part of a servant minded congregation filled with loving hearts and the Holy Spirit!  God is moving here and we are so thankful to be part of His work through Main Street Baptist Church”

Bro Steve’s Life Verse

John 13:34-35 New International Version (NIV)
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Deb’s Life Verse

Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Elaine Hall

Ministry Assistant

Peggy Barry


Peggy Barry is the pianist/organist/vocalist for Main Street Baptist Church.  Peggy has been a Church musician since the age of 14 and has served at MSBC for the past 18 years.  Peggy and her husband Clyde have lived around the California area their entire lives.  They now reside in the city of California and have for the past 28 years.  Peggy and Clyde have been members of MSBC for 18 years, and prior to that they were members of the Methodist Church. Peggy works full
time at the Missouri Department of Conservation.  She and Clyde have twin sons, Josh (on the left) and Matt (on the right), who are using their biology/chemistry degrees at the Missouri State Health Laboratory as Laboratory Scientists.  They attend Freshwater Church in Jefferson and play guitar in the praise band there.  The boys have a heart for work in missions and go on more than one trip per year to a foreign country to preach God’s word and spread the gospel.  Peggy also has a heart for missions and tries to participate whenever possible. Peggy’s favorite Bible verse, Genesis 28:15 -” I am with you and will watch over you where ever you go, and I will bring you back to this land.”

Amanda Carlyle


Amanda Carlyle and her husband, Nate live in the California area with their 3 children, Ella, Ryland, and Attie. Amanda attended MSBC as a child with her family. She is a substitute pianist for MSBC as well as another Baptist church in the community.

Norm Weatherman

Custodian/Grounds Keeper

Norm and Linda Weatherman became members of Main Street Baptist Church in December 1983. They have 2 daughters Cindy and Rachel and are grandparents to Trenton Irey and Brayden Pearson. Norm is currently the custodian and grounds keeper here at Main Street.  Linda was our office secretary for 20+ years.  Linda and Norm also lead a Small Group Study. Norm has been serving MSBC for over 25 years. The Weatherman’s have lived in California for the past 43 years. Hobbies are gardening, photography and muscle cars.